Projekta nosaukums:
«Virtuālā pilsētvide» / Augmented Urbans
«Visionary, Participatory Planning and Integrated Management for Resilient Cities»
Interreg Centrālā Baltijas jūras reģiona (CBJR) pārrobežu sadarbības programma 2014.-2020. gadam. Programmas mērķis ir veicināt ilgtspējīgu reģiona izaugsmi, panākot līdzsvaru starp ekonomikas un vides interesēm, finansējot augstas kvalitātes projektus ar Eiropas Attīstības fondiem Somijā (tostarp Ālandu salās), Igaunijā, Latvijā un Zviedrijā. Programmas interneta vietne:
Prioritārais virziens:
Ilgtspējīga kopīgu resursu izmantošana
Specifiskais mērķis 2.3:
Labāka pilsētu plānošana Centrālā Baltijas jūras reģionā
Īstenošanas laiks:
01.03.2018 – 28.02.2021
Kopējais projekta budžets:
EUR 2 029 723,52 (Rīgas plānošanas reģiona budžets: EUR 100 000,00)
Augmented Urbans (AU) projekta mērķis ir uzlabot integrētu pilsētvides plānošanu, ieviešot un attīstot jaunas metodes, pieejas un rīkus ( jauno tehnoloģiju pielietošanu papildinātās, virtuālās un jauktās realitātes tehnoloģijas AR, VR un MR).
Šāds mērķis ir izvirzīts, lai attīstītu un izmantotu jaunās tehnoloģijas dažāda līmeņa pilsētplānošanas procesos, līdz ar ko plānošanas jautājumus padarītu sabiedrībai saprotamākus un veicinātu plašākas aktīvās sabiedrības mērķorientētu iesaisti pilsētu plānošanā, stiprinot pilsētu spēju pielāgoties pārmaiņām.
Galvenās aktivitātes un rezultāti:
Rīgas plānošanas reģiona ekspertīze:
Mērķa grupas:
Nacionāla, reģionāla un vietēja mēroga pārvaldes institūcijas un to speciālisti, politikas veidotāji, zinātniskās institūcijas, nozares speciālisti
Dace Grīnberga
Projekta koordinatore
Tālr.: +371 67559820
Projekta mājas lapa:
Facebook konts:
Twitter konts:
Project name:
«Visionary, Participatory Planning and Integrated Management for Resilient Cities» / Augmented Urbans
The Central Baltic Program 2014-2020 is a EU cross-border cooperation program. Its scope is to finance high quality projects with European Development Funds in Finland (including Åland), Estonia, Latvia and Sweden, that aim at solving common challenges together and across borders. Programs network site:
Priority Direction:
Sustainable sharing of resources
Specific Purpose 2.3:
Better urban planning in the Central Baltic region
Implementation time:
01.03.2018 – 28.02.2021
Total project budget:
EUR 2 029 723,52 (Riga Planning Region budget: EUR 100 000,00)
Augmented Urbans (AU) project refers to strengthening the integration of three aspects in urban planning: timeframe, participation and modern technology. It improves stakeholder participation and linkage between the long-term visions and short-term actions in the cities for enhancing urban resilience. For this, new augmented, virtual and mixed reality technologies (AR, VR & MR) are explored and utilized as tools as they hold great potential for supporting urban planning processes in guiding discussions, and providing immersive scenarios.
Cities have identified need for better integrated participatory urban management and bridging their long term visions and objectives into practical urban development actions. In response, the Augmented Urbans -project provides a cross-border collaboration platform for 5 cities in the Central Baltic area: Gävle (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Viimsi (Estonia) and Cesis (Latvia). Project aims to addressing integrated urban planning for resilience-building in 5 local contexts and to gathering experience-based knowledge needed to make the region a frontrunner in novel urban development strategies.
Main activities and results:
1) By designing a project collaboration platform, five planning tools / tools will be developed and tested in parallel with the five pilot sites – 5 cities in the Central Baltic area: Gävle (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), Viimsi (Estonia) and Cesis (Latvia), using expanded virtual and mixed reality technologies – AR, VR and MR, which will promote the use of an innovative approach in integrated urban planning;
2) Spatial planning specialists and co-operation partners of the Riga Planning Region (Riga City, Riga Technical University, regional municipalities) will participate in project forums and study visits, in aim to became familiar with the practice of applying leading technologies in CBJR cities;
3) Recommendations (manual) for local and regional development planning documents on the application of urban resilience in urban planning will be prepared;
4) A working group of interdisciplinary specialists from the Riga Planning Region will be established (including local government development planners and representatives of higher education institutions) who will acquire knowledge and experience on the application of leading technologies in CBJR cities;
5) The spatial planning specialists of the Riga Planning Region will participate in the Advisory Board, which will continue as an expert platform.
Riga Planning Region Expertise:
Target groups:
National, regional and local government institutions and their specialists, policy makers, scientific institutions, industry specialists
Contact information:
Dace Grinberga
Project Coordinator
Phone: +371 67559820
Project website:
Facebook account:
Twitter Account: